Higgins Beach Maine Wedding Photographer
Part of being a Maine wedding photographer is making beautiful bridal portraits. I believe that this is somewhat of a lost art as I see a more photo journalistic approach to wedding photography is becoming popular. My particular style of photography combines elements of portraiture, fashion as well as some photojournalism mixed in to offer a more rounded out coverage. In the world of wedding photography it can be almost impossible to be purely photojournalistic. In purely photojournalistic I mean to have absolutely no influence on the unfolding of the day. As you can imagine this can be a bit challenging if the photographer is sharing the same 10 foot by 10 foot room with the bride and bridesmaids. As the photographer I offer some simple direction to placement with lighting in mind and then let the events unfold as they do. In this image the bride looks out over the ocean through the balcony window. The lighting was incredibly soft and diffuse and offered an perfect opportunity to create an image of her in her wedding dress. She is framed by the large glass window as the daylight baths her creating this gorgeous image. The images was taken at one of the beach houses in Higgins Beach, Scarborough, Maine.Joshua Atticks | Maine Wedding Photography